[Template] element index

All elements
a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v w x _
Global $_err
$_err in db.class.php
Method addBlocException
This method allows to rise an exception for blocks defined twice or more times in the template.
Method addError
Form::addError() in form.class.php
method allows you to turn an object as error.
Method alpha
Form::alpha() in form.class.php
This method allows to control if object countains only alphabetic caracters
Method alphaNumeric
Form::alphaNumeric() in form.class.php
This method allows to control if object countains only alphanumeric characters
Method applyPrivateVar
Db::applyPrivateVar() in db.class.php
Method applySpecialFunction
this method applays special function in item
Method arr2HtmlTab
this method changes array to html table
Method arr2List
TPLN::arr2List() in TPLN.php
this method changes array to list
Method array2json
TPLN::array2json() in TPLN.php
This method allows to convert a php array to a javascript array, it is useful for Ajax.
Method autoVerifyCaptcha
Form::autoVerifyCaptcha() in form.class.php
this method verifies automatically captcha
Variable $bcc
Mail::$bcc in mail.class.php
Variable $blocs_double_exceptions
Variable $body
Mail::$body in mail.class.php
Variable $breaker_name
Db::$breaker_name in db.class.php
Method blocExists
TPLN::blocExists() in TPLN.php
method allows to know if a block exists in the template file.
Variable $captcha
Form::$captcha in form.class.php
Variable $captcha_max
Form::$captcha_max in form.class.php
Variable $cc
Mail::$cc in mail.class.php
Variable $charset
Mail::$charset in mail.class.php
Variable $chrono_type
TPLN::$chrono_type in TPLN.php
Variable $confirm
Mail::$confirm in mail.class.php
Variable $cons_query
Db::$cons_query in db.class.php
Variable $Count
Db::$Count in db.class.php
Variable $custom_msg
Form::$custom_msg in form.class.php
Method cacheDirExists
this method verifies if cach directory exists
Method captureAllBlocs
this method captures all blocks
Method captureBloc
this method captures block
Method captureIncludeCmd
this method captures include commands in the template
Method captureItems
this method captures items
Method captureItemsInEachBloc
this method captures items in each block
Method changeConnection
Db::changeConnection() in db.class.php
this method allows to change connection.
Method changeQuery
Db::changeQuery() in db.class.php
Method changeTemplate
this method allows to select a template opened by Open()
Method charLength
Form::charLength() in form.class.php
this method allows to check that the value is N length.
Method checkQuotes
Db::checkQuotes() in db.class.php
verify quotes
Method cleanBlocs
TPLN::cleanBlocs() in TPLN.php
this method allows to delete the blocks.
Method clickable
TPLN::clickable() in TPLN.php
This method allows to convert http, www, ftp, mailto into clickable element
Method createCache
this method creates file cache
Method createFieldVars
Db::createFieldVars() in db.class.php
this method allows to create field variables
Method createVirtualTemplate
this method allows to create a virtual template.
Variable $db
Db::$db in db.class.php
Variable $DBLastError
Db::$DBLastError in db.class.php
Variable $dbProtectionMode
Db::$dbProtectionMode in db.class.php
Variable $db_index
Db::$db_index in db.class.php
Variable $def_tpl
TPLN::$def_tpl in TPLN.php
Method date
Form::date() in form.class.php
this method allows to verify a html form object is well filled. Format parameter must be a string composed by :
Method date2Db
Db::date2Db() in db.class.php
This method allows to convert a date in mysql format:
Class Db
Db in db.class.php
TPLN Database Plugin
Method db2Date
Db::db2Date() in db.class.php
This method allows you to convert a date in mysql format to:
Method dbClose
Db::dbClose() in db.class.php
method allows you to close database connection.
Method dbConnect
Db::dbConnect() in db.class.php
this method allows you to connect to your MySQL database.
Method dbDelete
Db::dbDelete() in db.class.php
This method allows you to generate and execute delete query from an associative array.
Method dbError
Db::dbError() in db.class.php
Method dbFetch
Db::dbFetch() in db.class.php
allows to obtain in structured array form database query results.
Method dbFetchArray
Db::dbFetchArray() in db.class.php
method allows to obtain as array form database query results.
Method dbFetchAssoc
Db::dbFetchAssoc() in db.class.php
allows to obtain in structured array form database query results.
Method dbFreeResult
Db::dbFreeResult() in db.class.php
allows to release memory allocated for your server.
Method dbGetConnectionID
Db::dbGetConnectionID() in db.class.php
this method allows to change connection.
Method dbGetConnectionObject
return db connection object to share with framework
Method dbGetData
Db::dbGetData() in db.class.php
This method allows to get your recorset in one time
Method dbGetDatabaseList
Db::dbGetDatabaseList() in db.class.php
this method allows to obtain the database names of the server.
Method dbGetError
Db::dbGetError() in db.class.php
This method returns the last SQL error
Method dbGetFieldName
Db::dbGetFieldName() in db.class.php
allows to return the field name from the database query.
Method dbGetFields
Db::dbGetFields() in db.class.php
this method allows to return the database query fields name.
Method dbGetMaxID
Db::dbGetMaxID() in db.class.php
This method returns the maximum value for a ID, it is useful to know the value of an id after an insertion in a table.
Method dbGetNumFields
Db::dbGetNumFields() in db.class.php
allows you to return the database query fields number
Method dbGetOne
Db::dbGetOne() in db.class.php
method allows to return the first result of a database query.
Method dbGetQueryID
Db::dbGetQueryID() in db.class.php
This method allows you to retriece the index of the current query.
Method dbGetQueryNb
Db::dbGetQueryNb() in db.class.php
This method allows to retriece the index of the current query.
Method dbGetTableList
Db::dbGetTableList() in db.class.php
this method allows to obtain arrays name of the database.
Method dbInsert
Db::dbInsert() in db.class.php
This method allows to generate and execute insert query from an associative array.
Method dbIsConnected
Db::dbIsConnected() in db.class.php
This method allows to know if the database connection is active
Method dbNumRows
Db::dbNumRows() in db.class.php
this method allows to return database query results count.
Method dbProtection
Db::dbProtection() in db.class.php
Protect data agains xss attack
Method dbReplace
Db::dbReplace() in db.class.php
This method allows to generate and execute REPALCE query from an associative array.
Method dbSelect
Db::dbSelect() in db.class.php
This method allows you to execute a query SELECT with parameters,
Method dbSetConnectionID
Db::dbSetConnectionID() in db.class.php
method allows you to change connection.
Method dbSetProtection
Db::dbSetProtection() in db.class.php
Enable protection mode for input data recommended true
Method dbSetQueryID
Db::dbSetQueryID() in db.class.php
This method allows to change queries resultset.
Method dbUpdate
Db::dbUpdate() in db.class.php
This method allows you to generate and execute update query from an associative array.
Method defineBloc
TPLN::defineBloc() in TPLN.php
this method
Method defineTemplate
this method allows to open and to name various templates.
Method delCaptcha
Form::delCaptcha() in form.class.php
delete captcha
Method directIoOutput
this method is a macro wich allows to open and to return a template.
Method directIOSave
this method is a macro which allows to open and to save a template.
Method directIoWrite
this method is a macro which allows to open and to write a template.
Method directParseInBloc
this method
Method directParseInFile
this method
Method doQuery
Db::doQuery() in db.class.php
this method allows to execute database query.
Method dualBlocVerify
this method verifies if block is not in double
Method dump
TPLN::dump() in TPLN.php
This method allows to display the countain of a php variable to facilite debugging
Page db.class.php
db.class.php in db.class.php
Variable $error_display_mode
Form::$error_display_mode in form.class.php
Variable $error_msg
TPLN::$error_msg in TPLN.php
Variable $error_signaled
Variable $error_user_level
this method displays error message
Method email
Form::email() in form.class.php
this method allows to check if the value given to the object is an email.
Method encapsuleBlocs
this method
Method endBlocVerify
this method verifies if end block is not in double
Method equal
Form::equal() in form.class.php
This method allows you to verify $_POST value is equal
Method eraseBloc
TPLN::eraseBloc() in TPLN.php
this method allows you to delete a block.
Method eraseItem
TPLN::eraseItem() in TPLN.php
this method allows to delete a variable.
Method error
TPLN::error() in TPLN.php
Method errorCustom
Form::errorCustom() in form.class.php
this method tests if there is personalized message error customize error message
Method evalHtml
TPLN::evalHtml() in TPLN.php
this method evals template file
Method extractStr
TPLN::extractStr() in TPLN.php
this method extracts string
Variable $f
TPLN::$f in TPLN.php
Variable $files
Mail::$files in mail.class.php
Variable $First
Db::$First in db.class.php
Variable $format
Mail::$format in mail.class.php
Variable $formErrorColor
Form::$formErrorColor in form.class.php
Variable $formErrorLang
Form::$formErrorLang in form.class.php
Variable $formInputHtmlEntitiesCharset
Default charset for input protection
Variable $formInputProtectionException
No protection for these values
Variable $formName
Form::$formName in form.class.php
Variable $formXEntitiesPostDone
Verify if treatment protection has be done
Variable $from
Mail::$from in mail.class.php
Variable $fromLabel
Mail::$fromLabel in mail.class.php
Variable $f_no
TPLN::$f_no in TPLN.php
Method fastParse
TPLN::fastParse() in TPLN.php
this method is like Parse() method but it avoids to rewrite definied variables.
Method fileControl
Form::fileControl() in form.class.php
method allows you to control the presence, the size and/or the extention of a file when it will be upload.
Method fileStructMode
this method activates template structure
Method fileUpload
Image::fileUpload() in image.class.php
Upload file to directory, if name is not empty rename file (no extension needed)
Class Form
Form in form.class.php
TPLN Form Plugin
Method formGetTotalError
Form::formGetTotalError() in form.class.php
This method allows to get total errors, it must be palced before the method formIsValid()
Method formGetUserObjectName
get the new name of the object
Method formInit
Form::formInit() in form.class.php
This method initializes data of HTML form by convertion of php parameter.
Method formIsValid
Form::formIsValid() in form.class.php
method allows to post the all prospective errors. The parameter is a boolean which allows to generate javascript.
Method formParse
Form::formParse() in form.class.php
treatment of the formulaire directly in PHP
Method formSetDisplayMode
Form::formSetDisplayMode() in form.class.php
This method allows you to chose the place of form error messages T:
Method formSetLang
Form::formSetLang() in form.class.php
this method allows to modify the language in which the error messages will be posted.
Method formSetName
Form::formSetName() in form.class.php
This method allows you to modify form name.
Method formSetObjectNames
Form::formSetObjectNames() in form.class.php
rewrite a new name object
Method formXEntities
Form::formXEntities() in form.class.php
protect data agains user attacks
Page form.class.php
form.class.php in form.class.php
Method generateCaptcha
Form::generateCaptcha() in form.class.php
generate captcha
Method getAjaxBloc
This method allows to recover the contents of the text of the block,
Method getAllBlocs
this method gets all blocks
Method getBigBlocs
this method
Method getBlocInFile
this method allows to return a whole block from the template file.
Method getCachedFile
this method returns cached file
Method getCaptcha
Form::getCaptcha() in form.class.php
This method allows to add a captcha verification useful to fight against spam attacks
Method getConnectionID
Db::getConnectionID() in db.class.php
Method getData
Db::getData() in db.class.php
This method allows to get your recorset in one time
Method getDbList
Db::getDbList() in db.class.php
this method allows to obtain the database names of the server.
Method getExecutionTime
this method
Method getFather
TPLN::getFather() in TPLN.php
this method returns the last father
Method getFathers
TPLN::getFathers() in TPLN.php
this method returns all fathers in array
Method getFieldName
Db::getFieldName() in db.class.php
allows to return the field name from your database query.
Method getFields
Db::getFields() in db.class.php
this method allows to return the database query fields name.
Method getFile
TPLN::getFile() in TPLN.php
this method allows you to return the contents of file.
Method getIP
TPLN::getIP() in TPLN.php
This method returns ip used.
Method getItem
TPLN::getItem() in TPLN.php
this method returns the last item
Method getMaxID
Db::getMaxID() in db.class.php
This method returns the maximum value for a ID, it is useful to know the value of an id after an insertion in a table.
Method getMessage
Form::getMessage() in form.class.php
Return formatted message
Method getNextGenerationBlocs
this method
Method getNumFields
Db::getNumFields() in db.class.php
this method allows to return the database query fields number.
Method getOne
Db::getOne() in db.class.php
Method getQueryID
Db::getQueryID() in db.class.php
Method getQueryNb
Db::getQueryNb() in db.class.php
Method getRowsCount
Db::getRowsCount() in db.class.php
this method allows to return database query results count.
Method getTableList
Db::getTableList() in db.class.php
this method allows to obtain arrays name of the database.
Method getTemplateID
This method returns curent template index
Method getTime
TPLN::getTime() in TPLN.php
this method gets current time
Method getTotalCount
Db::getTotalCount() in db.class.php
en commentaire
Variable $header_count
Db::$header_count in db.class.php
Variable $HTMLCompress
Method htmlCompress
This method allows to compress the template.
Variable $init
Form::$init in form.class.php
Class Image
Image in image.class.php
TPLN Image Plugin
Method imgControlHeight
Form::imgControlHeight() in form.class.php
This method allows you to control the height of uploaded image.
Method imgControlWidth
Form::imgControlWidth() in form.class.php
This method allows to control the width of uploaded image.
Method imgStrictDimension
Form::imgStrictDimension() in form.class.php
method allows you to control the picture width and height uploaded.
Method imgThumbnail
Image::imgThumbnail() in image.class.php
Transform image to thumbnail file
Method imgThumbnailSetOriginal
Assign image to thumbnail file
Method inCachePeriod
this method verifies if template is expired
Method includeFile
this method allows to substitute a variable from the template file by the contents of a file.
Method initialiazeBloc
this method inisializes path in TPLN memory manager
Method initTemplateVars
this method initializes template variables
Method inList
Form::inList() in form.class.php
This method allows to verify $_POST value is in the list
Method isBlocDesired
this method returns if it is a block
Method isDate
Form::isDate() in form.class.php
This method allows to verify a html form object is well filled. Format parameter must be a string composed by :
Method isDefined
TPLN::isDefined() in TPLN.php
this method verifies if all the block are defined
Method isEqual
Form::isEqual() in form.class.php
This method allows you to verify $_POST value is equal
Method isInList
Form::isInList() in form.class.php
This method allows to verify $_POST value is in the list
Method isMail
Mail::isMail() in mail.class.php
this method verifies if the email adress is correct
Method isPhpFile
TPLN::isPhpFile() in TPLN.php
this method returns if template is a PHP file
Method itemExists
TPLN::itemExists() in TPLN.php
this method allows to know if a variable exists in the template file.
Method itemVerify
TPLN::itemVerify() in TPLN.php
this method verifies item
Page image.class.php
image.class.php in image.class.php
Variable $Last
Db::$Last in db.class.php
Variable $last_header
Db::$last_header in db.class.php
Variable $last_obj
Form::$last_obj in form.class.php
Method loadArrayInBloc
this method allows to substitute the items by the pairs keys of an array in a whole block.
Method loadPlugin
TPLN::loadPlugin() in TPLN.php
this method allows to use plugin for TPLN.
Method loop
TPLN::loop() in TPLN.php
this method is applied to a block to report is looping.
Variable $mailErr
Mail::$mailErr in mail.class.php
Variable $msg_err
Form::$msg_err in form.class.php
Class Mail
Mail in mail.class.php
TPLN mail Plugin
Method mailAlert
TPLN::mailAlert() in TPLN.php
this method sends mail admin alert
Method mailAttachFile
Mail::mailAttachFile() in mail.class.php
This method allows to attach files to the email.
Method mailBCC
Mail::mailBCC() in mail.class.php
This method allows to send a conform copy of the mail.
Method mailBody
Mail::mailBody() in mail.class.php
This method allows to define the body of the message.
Method mailCC
Mail::mailCC() in mail.class.php
This method allows to send a conform copy of the mail.
Method mailCharset
Mail::mailCharset() in mail.class.php
This method allows to change encode by default ISO-8859-15 or UTF8 of the mail.
Method mailConfirm
Mail::mailConfirm() in mail.class.php
This method allows to add a confirmation of answer to the email.
Method mailError
Mail::mailError() in mail.class.php
This method allows to return the last error message
Method mailFrom
Mail::mailFrom() in mail.class.php
This method allows to define the sender of the mail.
Method mailReplyTo
Mail::mailReplyTo() in mail.class.php
This method allows to define a email address for response.
Method mailSend
Mail::mailSend() in mail.class.php
This method allows to send an email.
Method mailSubject
Mail::mailSubject() in mail.class.php
This methode allows to define the object of the email.
Method mailTo
Mail::mailTo() in mail.class.php
This method allows to define one of more email address of recipient.
Method mailUrgent
Mail::mailUrgent() in mail.class.php
This method allows to define a mail with a urgent priority.
Method maxLength
Form::maxLength() in form.class.php
this method allows you to check that the object does not exceed the N lenght.
Method minLength
Form::minLength() in form.class.php
method allows you to put lenght minimum for a chain of character.
Page mail.class.php
mail.class.php in mail.class.php
Variable $NavColor
Db::$NavColor in db.class.php
Variable $NavColorFirst
Db::$NavColorFirst in db.class.php
Variable $NavColorSecond
Db::$NavColorSecond in db.class.php
Variable $NbRecordPerPage
Db::$NbRecordPerPage in db.class.php
Variable $NbResults
Db::$NbResults in db.class.php
Variable $new_name
Image::$new_name in image.class.php
Variable $new_objects_name
Form::$new_objects_name in form.class.php
Method notEmpty
Form::notEmpty() in form.class.php
this method allows you to ckeck if the object isn't empty.
Variable $obj
Image::$obj in image.class.php
Variable $objError
Form::$objError in form.class.php
Variable $objErrorMsg
Form::$objErrorMsg in form.class.php
Variable $OrderByFields
Db::$OrderByFields in db.class.php
Variable $OrderByImgsPath
Db::$OrderByImgsPath in db.class.php
Method onlyDigit
Form::onlyDigit() in form.class.php
this method allows to ckeck that the value is a number,
Method onlyLetter
Form::onlyLetter() in form.class.php
this method allows to check if the value contained is only letters characters.
Method open
TPLN::open() in TPLN.php
this method allows to open template file which can to support any extensions of file (.htm, .html, .tpl, .php ... ).
Method out
TPLN::out() in TPLN.php
this method
Method output
TPLN::output() in TPLN.php
this method allows to return the contents of the template file parsed.
Method outPutMessage
Variable $PageCount
Db::$PageCount in db.class.php
Variable $PageNumber
Db::$PageNumber in db.class.php
Variable $path
Image::$path in image.class.php
Method parse
TPLN::parse() in TPLN.php
this method allows to substitute a variable defined inside the template file.
Method parseAllIncludeCmd
this method replaces all include commands
Method parseBigFathers
this method
Method parseBloc
TPLN::parseBloc() in TPLN.php
this method allows to substitute a whole bloc and markers also.
Method parseChrono
this method replaces { _Chrono} by the time clock of the template
Method parseConstants
this method replaces all php constants in template
Method parseDbField
Db::parseDbField() in db.class.php
this method allows to parse all the variables of a block by the database query field returned values.
Method parseDbRow
Db::parseDbRow() in db.class.php
this method allows to parse all the variables of a block by the database query returned values.
Method parseEncapsuledBlocs
this method
Method parseGlobals
this method allows to parse a variable Php by a variable contained in the template.
Method parseIncludeCmd
this method replaces include command
Method parseLogo
TPLN::parseLogo() in TPLN.php
this method replaces { _Logo} by TPLN Logo
Method parsePhpCommands
this method replaces all PHP commands
Method parseQueryCount
this method replaces { _QueryCount} by the numbre of queries executed.
Method parseSubBlocs
this method
Method parseVersion
this method replaces { _Version} by TPLN current version
Method pathVerify
TPLN::pathVerify() in TPLN.php
this method verifies path
Variable $query_count
Db::$query_count in db.class.php
Variable $replyTo
Mail::$replyTo in mail.class.php
Variable $req
Db::$req in db.class.php
Variable $req_index
Db::$req_index in db.class.php
Variable $row_val
Form::$row_val in form.class.php
Page rss.class.php
rss.class.php in rss.class.php
Method redirect
TPLN::redirect() in TPLN.php
This method allows to redirect to a new web page
Method regexControl
Form::regexControl() in form.class.php
method allows to check if the object datas converted as parameters correspond to the pattern converted as parameter.
Method reloadBlocVars
this method allows to reload variables of a block contained in the template.
Method replaceBloc
this method replaces block
Method replaceItem
this method replaces item
Method rewriteUrl
Db::rewriteUrl() in db.class.php
apply rewrite rule in URL
Class Rss
Rss in rss.class.php
TPLN Rss Plugin
Method rssWrite
Rss::rssWrite() in rss.class.php
This method allows to create a Rss 2.0 feeds
Method rules
Form::rules() in form.class.php
this method
Variable $struct_mode
TPLN::$struct_mode in TPLN.php
Variable $struct_tab
TPLN::$struct_tab in TPLN.php
Variable $subject
Mail::$subject in mail.class.php
Method savePath
TPLN::savePath() in TPLN.php
this method registers path in TPLN memory manager
Method saveTemplate
this method allows to save the contents of the template file parsed.
Method setCaptchaMax
Form::setCaptchaMax() in form.class.php
This method allows to define a number of error for the user, by default 0: illimited
Method setChrono
TPLN::setChrono() in TPLN.php
this method allows to know template total time execution.
Method setConnectionID
Db::setConnectionID() in db.class.php
Method setMessage
Form::setMessage() in form.class.php
this method allows you to record an error message
Method setNavColor
Db::setNavColor() in db.class.php
asign color alternation
Method setQuery
Db::setQuery() in db.class.php
en commentaire
Method setQueryID
Db::setQueryID() in db.class.php
Method setQueryLimit
Db::setQueryLimit() in db.class.php
Method setTemplate
this method allows to select a template which has been opened by the Open()
Method setTemplateID
this method allows you to select a template opened by Open()
Method setUrl
Db::setUrl() in db.class.php
change URL
Method showRecords
Db::showRecords() in db.class.php
allows to parse automatically the datas from your databasse,
Method showRecordsOrderBy
Db::showRecordsOrderBy() in db.class.php
This method will manage your filter automatically.
Method SRgetUrl
Db::SRgetUrl() in db.class.php
return the correct formatted url
Method stripQuotes
Db::stripQuotes() in db.class.php
strip slashes
Method structBlocs
this method returns block structure
Method structFile
TPLN::structFile() in TPLN.php
this method returns file structure
Method structItems
this method returns item structure
Method structOpen
TPLN::structOpen() in TPLN.php
this method gets opened template
Method str_replace_count
PHP str replace with count parameter
Variable $to
Mail::$to in mail.class.php
Variable $T_first
Db::$T_first in db.class.php
Variable $T_i
Db::$T_i in db.class.php
Variable $T_id
Db::$T_id in db.class.php
Method TPLN
TPLN::TPLN() in TPLN.php
TPLN constructor
Class TPLN
TPLN in TPLN.php
***************** Structure d'un bloc ***************************************
Page TPLN.php
TPLN.php in TPLN.php
Constant TPLN_PATH
Method traceMode
TPLN::traceMode() in TPLN.php
this method
Method trtShowRecords
Db::trtShowRecords() in db.class.php
Variable $urgent
Mail::$urgent in mail.class.php
Variable $url
Db::$url in db.class.php
Variable $UrlRgxPatterns
Db::$UrlRgxPatterns in db.class.php
Variable $UrlRgxReplace
Db::$UrlRgxReplace in db.class.php
Variable $url_var
Db::$url_var in db.class.php
Variable $user_resulset
Db::$user_resulset in db.class.php
Method url
Form::url() in form.class.php
This method allows to control the value of your form is a correct url.
Method urlAddVar
Db::urlAddVar() in db.class.php
add variable in URL
Variable $vf_no
TPLN::$vf_no in TPLN.php
Method write
TPLN::write() in TPLN.php
this method allows to print file the template parsed.
Method xssProtect
TPLN::xssProtect() in TPLN.php
This method allows to protect data against XSS attack,
a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v w x _