
Version 3.5


- remove adoDB use pdo (compatible symfony and zend framework)
- Showrecords() now supports sql_calc_found_rows in query
- use php error handler
- add method dbGetConnectionObject()
- improve thumbnail algorithm
- New API manual => -

Version 3.2


- Add default method dbSetprotect() to protect against injection attack
- Plugin image now with constraint new image in centered position

Version 3.1


- Svn hosting by Sun kenai project


- code is full compatible with php 5.3
- add parameter time to method redirect()
- improve online examples

Version 3.0


- v3.0 final release

Version 3.0rc2


- add method formException du rewrite object name
- fixed minor bugs

Version 3.0rc1


- Projet is now hosted on Google Code Forge + svn
- full php 5
- add full documentation doclets
- add new plugin Image resizer
- rename some methods with prefix db
- some bug fixed
- add paramater on config to launch some queries on database connection

Version 2.9


- add command {#if} view example on line
- add configuration TPLN_ERROR_URI parameter in configuration file to redirect in a specific url on error
- add method setTemplateID()
- add method Redirect()
- add method Array2Json()
- add method getAjaxBloc()
- add LoadArrayInBloc recursive view example online
- add method clickable()
- update eraseItem() now accepts array parameter
- update eraseBloc() now accepts array parameter

- Database> Replace ADODB by ADODB lite (lighter and faster by 35%)
- Database> add msg parameter in ParseDBRow()
- Database> add persistant connection parameter in DBConnect() > thanks napnap
- Database> add method getData()
- Database> add method DBNumRows()
- Database> add method DB2Date()
- Database> add method Date2DB()
- Database> add method SetConnectionID()
- Database> add method GetConnectionID()
- Database> add method getQueryID()
- Database> add method SetQueryID()
- Database> bug fixed GetFields()
- Database> update ParseDBRow(), ParseDBField() color altern => thanks __fabrice
- Database> update DBInsert(), DBUpdate() now support joker in exclude_fields
- Database> update DBInsert(), DBUpdate() add support for NULL and NOW() keyword => thanks napnap

- ShowRecords> add new breaker bloc in data (see example)
- ShowRecords> hookdata can receive a method => thanks cynapse
- ShowRecords> now supports all databases and sub queries !
- ShowRecords> add new breaker bloc in data (see example)

- Plugin form> formGetTotalError()
- Plugin form> SetCaptchaMax()
- Plugin form> add method Alpha()
- Plugin form> add method AlphaNum()
- Plugin form> add method IsInList()
- Plugin form> add s parameter for seconds
- Plugin form> GetCaptcha() now supports Session with name
- Plugin form> add Error color option thanks Mystral
- Plugin form> NotEmpty() now accepts array as parameter
- Plugin form> NotEmpty() add set message parameter
- Plugin form> add alias Date(), Equal(), InList()
- Plugin form> bug fixed on top for sequential message
- Plugin form> Formvalid> delete session variables for captcha
- Plugin form> extension is now sensitive

Version 2.8


- Php 5 compatible
- Migration to AdoDB 30% faster than PEAR DB !
- Plugin are autotomatically loaded
- add method DBInsert() to automatically generate and execute insert query
- add method DBUpdate() to automatically generate and execute update query
- add method DBDelete() to automatically generate and execute delete query
- add method GetData() to retrieve all data into an array
- DBFetchAssoc() and DBFetchArray() are deprecated replace by DBFetch() instead
- Dump() improve format html text-align: left
- DoQuery() add parameter to get Fetch ADODB_FETCH_NUM=1, ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC=2,

- ShowRecords> improved with DISTINCT Clause AND GROUP BY clause
- ShowRecords> bug fixed in _Id first number

- Plugin form> add captcha field
- Plugin Form> bug fixed bloc form_valid
- Plugin Form> bug fixed name capture thanks __fabrice

- LoadPlugin() is now deprecated

Version 2.7


- plugin form> improve completely rewrited and parsed directly by php (no more generated Javascript)
- plugin form> add method imgControlWidth
- plugin form> add method imgControlHeight
- plugin form> Url(http, https , ftp)
- plugin form> update addError second parameter is optionnal
- plugin form> update onlyDigit now accepts dot character for float number in second parameter
- plugin mail> add method MailConfirm() to get a confirmatation of reading

Version 2.6


- Add method Dump() to dump your Php variable
- Add method addBlocException() to allow a bloc in double in template
- Improve ShoWRecord() add parameter to parse an array
- Improve EraseBloc() alllows an array in parameter
- Bug fix> CheckQuotes() with get_magic_quotes_runtime at OFF

- Plugin form> add Ko or Mo to parameter size in fileControl()
- Plugin form> improve MIME error message with MIME uploaded file sended
- Plugin form> add an array for each error message to custom
- Plugin form> bug fix for imagefield coordinates x and y

- Plugin mail> bug fix attachment corrupted

Version 2.5.6


- Plugin Mail> bug fix RC in HTML mode
- Plugin Mail> bug fix twice recipients

- Plugin Form> add parameter extension in fileControl
- Plugin Form> improve Firefox initiliasation for checkbox
- Plugin Form> improve Firefox initiliasation for select-multiple
- Plugin Form> add method FormAddJsOnLoad()

Version 2.5.3
- Add TPLN variable _QueryCount to count queries executed => thanks Versgui
- Add IP in mail error
- Change TPLN logo
- Bug fixed> change variable case dbLastError to DBLastError

- Plugin ShowRecords> Improve sql errors message

- Plugin form> Add method isEqual()
- Plugin form> Add method inList()
- Plugin form> improve support checkbox

Version 2.5

- improve error message (email format is in html)
- add method GetIP()
- add method StripQuotes()
- add method GetMaxID()
- improve XSSProtect() now you can put an array in parameter

- improve ShowRecords method with parameter hack data
- ShowRecords now return the number of records found

- Plugin Form> add method FormInit()
- Plugin Form> add password support
- Plugin Form> add error message when html object not found
- Plugin Form> add method isDate()
- Plugin Form> improve method fileControl() now multiple MIME extension allowed

- bug fixed for genetated bloc carriet line
- bug fixed CheckQuotes() when magic_quotes_runtime is OFF

- Website documentation> Add possibility to add your note

Version 2.4
- add automatic constant support with {CONST::My_CONST }
- add method HtmlCompress to compress your template
- add Plugin Mail with MIME support
- improve DoQuery now return an boolean, you have to treat error with DBgetError()
- improve ShoWRecords now page 1/1 is displayed
- improve TPLN_Cfg.php with pear complete path

Version 2.3
- improve DB error with native database error message
- LoadArrayInBLoc and ParseDBrow now accepts a parameter to replace entire bloc with a custom message
- bug fix trim on _captureBloc (thanks midtown)
- plugin form add method SetFormName to custom form name verification (thanks nainToutPuissant)
- Bug fix plugin form set Message is delete after a verification
- TPLN version is in the TPLN.php file
- update pear version 1.4.6 and db 1.7.6
- website: add newsletter

Version 2.2.5

- Add ChangeQuery() to change query resultset
- Add GetQueryNb() to retrieve current query resultset
- Add XssProtect() to protect input data against XSS attack

Version 2.2

- Add Dynamic files caching (see online examples)
- Add auto clean template buffer for memory optimization
- Add auto clean orphan bloc

- bug fixed: notice for preg_match
- log messages are plain/text

- update Pear v1.3.6 (stable)

Version 2.1

- all php variables types are supported directly in template (object, array, ...)
- LoadArray parse only available items of the template
- add method CheckQuotes to automatically addslashes if magic_quotes_gpc() is disabled

- Plugin form
- form_validate to automatically recreate form answer

- Dual pagination: Exception for double blocs in template start, end, prevoious, next, pager, out, in

- updated version
- pear v.1.3.5 stable
- db v1.76 stable

Version 2.0.5


- bug fixed notice for $result not instanced
- bug fixed method ShowRecord()

- enhanced plugin form
- Documentation Updated

Version 2.0


- Optimization, reformating of the source code
- add engine plugin
- add plugin form

- add method CleanBloc()
- add Custom pear

Version 1.7


- bug fixed for error_log
- add SQL_QUERY debug
- add CreateVirtualTemplate()
- remove global from config replaced by constant
- minor bug fix notice for $_GET, $_POST, $_SESSION when is empty

Version 1.6.5


- minor bug fix notice in act_dir with ERROR reporting(0)

Version 1.6.5


- fix bug in DirectIOOutput
- add method DirectSaveTemplate
- fix bug in auto index template number

Version 1.6


- bug fix ShowRecords when $query is in multiple lines
- add default parameter 0 to ShowRecords() to view all records
- add macro DirectIOWrite() and DirectIOOutput()
- add error logs option

Version 1.5



- update SQL file in samples
- now Open() can have no parameter so template as same name of script is opened
- add RewriteUrl() function to rewrite url utils for APACHE rewriting url


- remove minor bugs
- change private variable {_UrlBng} by bloc pager
- update EraseBloc() documentation
- fix bugs ParseBloc(), EraseBloc() for imbricated blocs


- remove AddUrlAttrib(), SetNavLabels()
- update samples DB_showresults, DB_showresults_dynamic, DB_showresults_advanced
- change private variable {_UrlBng} by bloc start
- change private variable {_UrlEnd} by bloc end
- change private variable {_UrlPrev} by bloc previous
- change private variable {_UrlNext} by bloc next
- remove de grab_cfg()
- add ShowRecords() second parameter verification (must be an interger and greater than 0)

prerelease 2:


- add GetFields() to obtain fields name
- rename AddBlocVars() by ReloadBlocVars()
- update sample Db_Showresult_Dynamic
- update ParseDBField to parse item by field name
- update documentation

prerelease 1:


- add CreateFieldVars to dynamic create var in template
- add a sample Db_Showresult_Dynamic
- add ParseDBField to parse item by field name
- update ParseDBRow
- fix minor bugs in documentation


- change the eval php file, now embedded php code is full supported

Version 1.4r4


- change Pear directory inclusion (minor bug)


- Add default extension and directory templates

Version 1.4r3


- Erase PHP notice (minor bugs $b_parsed).

Version 1.4r2


- Erase PHP notice (EALL compatible)

Version 1.4


- add {_Id} for ShowRecords() id of result
- remove Opera bug for ShowRecords()
- remove _NavColor bug


- add functions in each top file
- Improve bloc looped
- EraseBloc add one more parameter LOOP


- Delete Error number in message
- Add TPLN in error message


- improve performance
- rewrite bloc management
- dot character is not allowed in variable name
- add functions ChangeConnection(), DBlist(), GetFieldName(), GetNumFields(), GetFieldName()


- delete functions SetBase(), SetLogin(), SetPassword()
- add GetOne() function for count query


- add ChangeTemplate() function


- distinct item between general and bloc
- add private variable _Version to know the version

Version 1.3


- improve FileStructMode() now item for each bloc are defined
- add function ParseGlobals() to parse php globals and GET POST and SESSION


- improve ShowRecords()
- add function DefineTemplate()


- add multiple file Opening
- add function SetTemplate() to choose template
- delete TPLN_LOGO_PATH from TPLN_Cfg


- add function SetUrl() to change url for {_UrlPrev}{_UrlNext}{_UrlFirst}{_UrlLast}
- add automatic Parsing for ParseGetVar(), ParsePostVar() et ParseSessionVar() when a new file is opened


- add function LoadArrayInBloc()


- erase cached file if his time has expired
- add function FastParse()
- create new file TPLN_DB_Xtra
- change classe name to fix some problem with PEAR
- add function IncludeFile() with auto eval php code


- add functions BlocExists and ItemExists
- add functions DBNumRows(), DBFreeResult() , DbFetchArray(), DbFetchAssoc()
- add functions ParseDBRow()

Version 1.2


- remove addlogo() addchrono() function now item 0.0008 made with TPLN Template! will be automatically parsed
- add SetChono(ALL) to get total execution time


- add TraceMode() function to log message procedure
- add mailalert() admin on error


- improve capture item regex


- add FileStructMode()
- add {_UrPageNav} to create pagination
- webmaster email alert on error
- add include command file directly in template with {#include(file_name)}
- rename bloc definition now <bloc::bloc_name>
- add AddUrlVar() function
- add AddHtmlUrl() function
- improve error message
- improve code
- improve bloc capture

Version 1.1


- TPLN 1.1 release !
- installation note
- bug fixed Error pointer in TPLN
- Error syntax color
- Add error lang en et fr
- Update doc

Version 1.0


- TPLN 1.0 release !

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Powered by made with TPLN Template! version 3.6 in 0.0007 s (4 queries executed) - rss
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